Welcome to tomorrow’s post. Tonight I am off to celebrate New Year’s Eve with friends and family. I may sleep in tomorrow, then I am off to see The Hobbit, so I am posting my regular Thursday post early. Today is full of soul searching that comes with the end of a year. Tomorrow is a new year, and a new page of my life.
I can’t wait for this year to end. It sucked. A lot. It has been a ride not unlike a roller coaster – but without the fun.
It is almost inevitable for thoughts to dwell on the year that was. I have lost too many friends this year. I will miss them. I have shared heartache with others. I have lost creators of many childhood memories, celebrities and artists who I looked up to and brought joy to my life.
2014 has been heart wrenching, exhausting and sometimes terrifying. I am learning it is okay to follow my dreams and not live life to the expectations of others. I have rediscovered my passion for writing and found solace there. I found the strength to stand up to bullies who were making my life hell, and the courage to quit my job, which was killing me. I do not know where my future lies…
Strangely, the unknown is less stressful than remaining employed in a toxic workplace.
I apologise for any crap that has spewed forth from my fingers this year – all too often. I have been deeply hurt by some I thought friends, felt betrayed by my employer (of seventeen years). I have needed to vent.
I have also found friendship in the most unexpected places. To my friends, thank you for your support.Thank you for being here, for listening to my ravings as I struggled through the year. I really appreciate it.
Mostly I thank God for my family. My daughter has had her moments – with random hugs to lift my heart. My dear David has stood by me on my darkest days. He has shared my hell and not run away screaming. He is ‘the bestest husband I ever had.’
I love you, David.
Always and completely.
And what of the future?
Life can only get better. 2015 brings news beginnings, renewed enthusiasm and rekindled dreams.
I hope it brings you joy and you find what you are looking for.
Happy New Year to you all.
A day early...