We Are Very Amused at Our Bling.
the musings of karen carlisle - writer, artist, gardener, chocoholic and tea lover.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
We Are Very Amused at Our Bling.
We Are Very Amused at Our Bling.
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Order and Method
Thank you.
Manuscript Word Progress: First draft:26% completed.
Total Words:
At 1st draft only:
Revised Words:
Order and Method
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Of Music, Thankfulness and Unfettered Freedom
Of Music, Thankfulness and Unfettered Freedom
Monday, February 17, 2014
Of Changes, Achieving Goals and Beating Procrastination.
Hello to you, Dear Reader.
Firstly, my apologies if you popped in to read my blog yesterday. I have decided I want to finish the manuscript for The Department of Curiosities by October – at the latest. This means I have to knuckle down and work more my manuscript. To achieve this goal, I had to make some hard decisions.
This leads to my second apology. I can only write so many words in a day, or a week. To achieve my writing goals, I need to write more of my story; this will mean less words for my blog. At this stage, I am planning to provide you with two blog posts a week. I will be working around my day job, so this will most likely be a Wednesday/Thursday and Saturday/Sunday.
After a a few days of collecting my thoughts together, I had reached that point where I needed to start work on chapter 5. I faced yet another blank page. I choked. I wrote a couple of sentences, crossed them out and then rewrote them – almost word for word.
I find a blank page a very scary thing. Since the last time I wrote on the problem of blank pages and scene changes, I have read actively on the subject. I then engaged anti-procrastination tactics.
- I spent a day creating a quick plot outline, from the many ideas that were bouncing around in my brain.
- Next I tried to order them in a more logical timeline (pushing some into chapter 6)
- I listed the clues and character background I wanted (or needed) to reveal in this chapter.
- I penciled notes into previous chapters, to give hints on some of the upcoming clues and characters, so they did not just plop in out of nowhere.
- I took a long shower . This usually ends up with lots of ideas and sentences spilling out of my head. (I really need to find a waterproof notebook or recording device.)
- Concentrated on creating a specific character before he began walking and talking in chapter 5
I managed only 550 words, so brought out the big guns.
7. I went to bed to get some sleep. Words started tormenting me. Within 20 minutes I was grabbing the notebook, I keep my the bedside table, and was scribbling down a few pages of ideas. Any ideas… whatever came to me.
Today, I managed to add 1400 words to my tally on the previous day – though not on chapter 5. I had been concentrating on the character of the Big Bad - more commonly known as the antagonist. I was resisting the urge to make him a short, snivelly and bald cliche. In the end I wrote both his first and final scenes in the story.
Having now filled out his character, weaknesses, background and motives, I am ready to plough on with chapter 5.
Manuscript Word Progress: 24% completed to at least first draft!
Revised Words:
Total Words:
At 1st draft only:
Of Changes, Achieving Goals and Beating Procrastination.
Friday, February 14, 2014
It Might be Peaches Instead.
It is not as simple as we would like it to be.
It Might be Peaches Instead.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Of First Drafts, Title Changes and Plots
“Miss Meriwether stood defiantly among them, looking quite dishevelled. She brandished a red parasol, swinging it in her hand like a golf club. Her bonnet hung precariously, held by the remaining hat pin, revealing a less than pristine coiffe.”
If you don’t count the six hundred-odd words of sequencing and notes for Chapter 5:
Manuscript Word Progress:
Revised Words:
Total Words:
At 1st draft only:
Of First Drafts, Ideas and Plots
Monday, February 10, 2014
Photoshoot: Live Music for a Cause.
My role was to video the concert, as well as take photos of the day. I decided not to use a flash, due to the extended distance from the stage (it did not make much difference), and to take advantage of the available lighting which gave much warmer colours. It was great to get my camera out to snaps some pics again! Here
are some of my favourites.
Twig is also performing at The Adelaide Fringe Festival on 17th Feb, 5th March and 11th March at at The Promethean, 116 Grote St, Adelaide 5000.
Photoshoot: Live Music for a Cause.
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Of Storms, Hopes and Thankfulness
Never give in. Never surrender!
Of Storms, Hopes and Thankfulness
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Visuals, Prompts and Writing.
I am a very visual person. I once took an intelligence test. I did fairly average on the numeracy (Maths was never my favourite subject. I just do not think that way.) but blitzed the visual memory and spatial intelligence sections. My husband gets annoyed when I can colour match furnishings from memory or estimate whether the couch will fit the desired location – within millimetres. (Some days are better than others).
When I read, I see colours and characters complete with background music that crescendos at crucial points in the story. I even get opening and closing credits. (Maybe I just watch too many movies?)
When I write, I close my eyes and search for the picture in my head. When I find it, the words flow. If I can see the sequence of events, in my mind’s eye, I can also hear and smell the scene. This makes it much easier to describe. (I have even resorted to making my husband act out fight scenes.)
This process is much easier when I am recalling familiar events or places. When I am in unfamiliar ground, I look for visual clues – people, buildings, personal items. Sometimes I print them out. Sometimes I save them to computer. I have recently started a Pinterest page with visual prompts, so I can access it from anywhere.
Today I was writing a scene where one of the major characters has a meeting with Her Majesty Queen Victoria. On hand I had a photograph of Queen Victoria and access to a virtual tour of the Crimson Room at Buckingham Palace. I love virtual tours! This is where the internet really becomes a virtual playground of wonderment! I also use Google Maps Street View to wander around London (with a copy of Boothe’s Poverty Map as reference to what the area would have been like in the late 1800s.)
Manuscript Word Progress:
Revised Words:
At 1st draft only:
Total Words:
Visuals, Prompts and Writing.
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Down the Rabbit Hole.
Famous last words?
Then fell headlong into the rabbit hole. It was some hours before I realised had comletely ignored the delicious food on the table that beckoned: “eat me.” It was a late lunch for me. (Don’t even get me started on Pinterest! No, seriously. Don’t let me.)
Manuscript Word Progress: Update: I have hit the 20% mark!
Revised Words:
At 1st draft only:
Total Words:
Down the Rabbit Hole.
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Of Chocolate,Trials and Tea-brilations
Of Chocolate,Trials and Tea-brilations