Good morning dear Reader. Have you had your cup of tea (or coffee) yet? May I recommend an English breakfast and a Haighs soft centred dark chocolate? That's what is sitting next to my computer now. Perfect way to start the day.
You have most likely twigged to my love of tea and chocolate, amongst other things. There's a dead giveaway in my tagline:
GardenerChocoholic and tea lover.
GardenerChocoholic and tea lover.
For those without twitter, you can find all of the photos on my Pinterest page - Receptacles for my Tea. I'll share some of my favourites with you:
When I need a major pick me up or want to indulge, I drink from my purple and gold plated T2 cup. It is perfect paired it with the octopus tea ball, an anniversary present from my Dearheart.
I found the next two in local opshops. The first is one of a set, delicate and very pretty. The second is more robust, part of a one-teapot set. It brings back fond memories of my trips to Paris and Florence.
Don't forget to check out all the photos on Pinterest. You can also find inspirations, photo hints and event for The Adventures of Viola Stewart series and my work-in-progress, The Department of Curiosities.
I must bid you adieu. My tea is going cold.