Here's an extra treat for Halloween - an extra post and a eBook mini anthology of steampunk flash fiction , featuring my latest flash fiction, Right on Time - for free.
It all started with a tea party to celebrate the first anniversary of Scribblers' Den, a group of steampunk writers on the forum, Steampunk Empire. I love this group; the members are supportive and just a bit cheeky. Our founder and enabler, Jack Tyler, has also set up the Empire Booksellers with links to publications featuring works by members of Scribblers' Den (or Denizens as we call ourselves).
Part of the celebration was an invitation for members to write - resulting in a variety of flash fiction steampunk stories. These tales have now been published in a short eBook anthology, Denizens of Steam.
Like the title? It's mine. Like the cover? That was designed by Katie Alford. Featured writers include: Steve Moore, N.O.A. Rawle, David Lee Summers, C.L. Zeitstück, Katie Alford, William J. Jackson, Bryce Raffle, Alice E. Keyes, Albrecht von Saarbruchen, Jenny Jobe, J.P. Paradise (and me). The foreword was written by Scribblers’ Den founder, Jack Tyler.
Follow the link to secure your very own (free) eBook copy of Denizens of Steam.
Happy Halloween.