Art: Lots of my photos in the above post!
Writing/Reading: Books Bit: I am reading now.
Baker, Jo. Longbourn. Doubleday. London, 2013. ISBN: 9780857522023
Skulls and All Hallows Eve.
the musings of karen carlisle - writer, artist, gardener, chocoholic and tea lover.
What a blah start to the week. My plans were simple; attend my day job, return home, do some writing. Ah, how easy it is for things to go awry. I woke feeling nauseated. My inner ear felt swollen and my throat was dry. Allergies pretty much suck. I dragged myself out of bed and got driven to work (with the vertigo that had ensued, it was probably not entirely safe to drive) and smiled weakly as I entered.
I wasn’t fooling anyone. The more I moved, the greater the nausea and vertigo became. I lasted until lunch time when my Dear Heart (hubby) collected me – a shoulder to lean on as I tried to remain upright on the way to the car.
Maybe I could still manage to write something? I spent the day fighting a cracking headache, either sitting or lying as still as possible. I watched some Big Bang Theory to cheer myself up. After several aborted attempts, I have finally managed to write something, as I did not want to disappoint you, Dear Reader.
I will survive. (yes, I have had it checked out with physicians.) As there is nothing to be done but have patience and Stematil, I try to look on these episodes as an opportunity. These bouts of vertigo remind me to slow down and think of how blessed I really am. I am alive. I have talents. I have a wonderful family…
and I have another experienced to draw on when penning my prose.
Editing. It is the bane of my life.
I have to edit my clothes each season, to remove those that are damaged, no longer fit or I have not worn all season. The wearable rejects go to the Salvos or Goodwill. Summer is coming and I have done a recent inventory of my summer clothes. After last years editing, I actually need to acquire (or more likely make) some summer skirts.
I have recently editing my Facebook account. I am usually selective with my friends list and do not accept all requests. I don’t FB ‘friend’ work colleagues. I friend only those I have personally met or know via other avenues and have similar pass times. I have actually met some wonderful people via social media. However individuals can creep into my friend list that need eventual editing. They are negative, trollish or bullies. Thankfully I don’t have many of these but it is still an unpleasant editing task.
Then there is the more onerous task of editing my writing. This can be a wretched task; at other times it is very satisfying. I am currently in the midst of editing two short stories for competitions; this is my task for the next few days. Today (Friday) is my writing group. I am hoping to get some constructive feedback to finalise the editing.
My first edit is usually done when typing up my handwritten draft. This is usually quite easy. Sometimes I wonder ‘what on earth was I thinking’ when I read over the first stream of words that are regurgitated onto the pages of my notebook. At other times, it is just a matter of changing a few words or sentences. On occasion, I even find a phrase that I absolutely adore. Next is the sorting out of loose ends, culling of duplicated words and extraneous commas. (I am inordinately fond of commas.)
Then I draw my breath and hand the story over to one of my (couple of trusted) proof readers who mark out any obvious mistakes that I have missed, point out any clues/plot threads that I have I have missed or not tied up and finally tell me if the story is absolute crap or not. At this stage I either get grumpy and start again, or steele myself for further rewrites and further editing rounds. Finally there is the spelling and grammar check (and sometimes there is the culling of more commas.)
No matter how many times that I ask myself ‘Why am I doing this?’, I stick to the task as, when each editing task is complete, there is the sense of fulfillment, of a job well done and the knowing smugness that I did that!
When I am feeling up against it, there are a few things that I find consoling – my writing, my garden, my photography and my drawing. This week I have returned to my garden to pot some succulents, plant a lemon tree and to take photographs. Sunday was drawing day. Less exhausting and still very satisfying. By creating something, my heart feels lighter, there is the feeling of completeness and my soul is satiated.
For regulars, you may remember a previous post Book Artwork COmmission , last month. Today was the perfect day to complete the work. It was a pleasant spring day but the occasional showers restricted any gardening hopes that I had. I had inked the last two images yesterday. They had dried for over 24 hours, so I cleaned them up with an eraser.
The cover was to be coloured. I used pencils to give shading similar to that found in the medieval artwork of the manuscript. In all, there are four black and white nib-inked chapter drawings and a page of incidental artwork, plus the inked and hand-coloured cover.
I am hoping these will be to the taste of the author. All going well, this will be available to buy
in the very near future – I33: Fencing in he Style of the Walpurgis Manuscript (a discussion and rapier exercises based on early period text)
Attention all Fencers – watch this space!