I have been out in the garden again and did a second photo shoot, this time in the back garden. So far I have counted well over a dozen apples on both our Pink Lady and Granny Smith dwarf apple trees that are trained over a metal archway.
Our garlic has grown better this year. It seems they do better in pots than our clay soil. They are just about ready to pull, next month

Not a lot of luck with tomato seeds, this year. The seedlings took forever to show themselves and are still under 5cm tall. We did buy a cherry tomato seedling which has shot off and already producing tomatoes. On the weekend one of our ‘garden fairygodfathers’ popped in and delivered another five seedlings, two of which were immediately planted in the tomato bed. The other three need another week or so for their roots to improve and they will be in the garden and in pots.
I love the garden. It reminds me of my art and writing. A small germ of an idea, growing (sometimes steadily, sometimes miraculously) until it bears fruit for everyone to enjoy. It is another way of creating something beautiful and also practical. Even those that sometimes seem beyond help can resurrect themselves and bloom, despite my worse efforts!
Even my roses are useful. They are edible (we don’t spray to kill the bugs), attract beneficial insects and are beautiful to the senses (ours have the most glorious smell!).

In my Back Yard - More Photos
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