For months ‘Donna’ has been hiding in the cupboard, waiting to be allowed to come out and play. Twice there was been excitement in the air.
First there was Oz Comic Con in March this year. The outfit was complete bar a wig. I had searched for months and finally fund one, on the internet, in my allotted budget range. It was ordered, with over a month to spare. Then I played the waiting game. I should have known better. A word of advice: never rely on a quoted postage time when an item is required for a specific date. It arrived one week late.
Costume plans were hurriedly reassessed and backup costumes were chosen- my Hobbittess and Tia Dalma. Donna remained in the closet.
Now that I finally had a wig, I excitedly planned Donna Noble’s debut for Supanova, last month. One week til ‘showtime’ and I cracked open the costume cupboard to check all was in order. Everything was accounted for. My jeans and blouse had been washed and were almost dry. Accessories: shoes, belt, wig, squishy adipose stress toy and earrings. Tick!
To my utter dismay, I had to forego attending the convention as I was ill with bronchitis. Again Donna was relegated to obscurity and denied attending ‘the ball’ (as it were).
Now, at this point, I was seriously wondering if Donna Noble was destined to become one of ‘those costumes’ – the ones that doomed to oblivion. I decided to give Donna another chance to come to the party.
Bonus! Our team came second.
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