My Dearheart’s outfit was the easiest. He reprised his Gandalf; with the addition of his new prescious – an official Gandalf LARP staff. Gandalf is always a popular choice. It is loved by all. I lost count of how many times he was asked to have his photo taken (including three with various hobbits). This is my favourite snap from the day. Thanks to the lovely creche girls who let him rest so he could adjust his beard.
Our daughter chose her own costume, Sollux Captor from Homestuck. We did some opshopping, painting and discovered how to make horns using cardboard, hotglue and paper clay. This was the first costume she had (mostly) constructed by herself. I did a mini photo shoot after the convention.
After digging around in the attic, the final accessory for my Fairy Catcher (or Fairy Hunter as it was dubbed by an enamoured young girl who wanted photos) was complete – boots and butterfly net. I love creating little details and how else would you recognise a Fairy Hunter without it’s prey (provided by a hatband complete with bouncing fairy)? I donned my comfy shoes and I was ready, although a little under the weather, to take on the convention.
The weekend was an montage of contradictory experiences. I had been battling a sinus infection all week. So far I was winning – just – but, alas, I could not wear my Victorian corset. I felt undressed. But it is important to be able to breathe, so I am told. Today I am paying for my, possibly misguided fortitude; laryngitis, pharyngitis and a visit to the doctor to ensure it does not progress.
It may not have been a wise decision to go but it was worth it. I enjoyed yesterday. It has been a while since I have enjoyed a convention as much. This year Oz Comic Con opened both sides of the show hall. The extra space reduced the claustrophobia of last year’s convention. I took many photos, had many photos taken off me, and lost count of Gandalf’s groupies. I met some lovely line buddies while waiting for Michael Shanks’ autograph, and caught up with my friend and con buddy (we only seem to meet at conventions), artist Michal Dutkiewicz .
Now to start on our costumes for Supanova, in November.
*Thanks to Catherine Curl and Neil Swadling for permission to use their photographs.
Oz Comic Con Wrap Up, 2015
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