This week I got sidetracked. Again. Sometimes tracking crossing timelines isn't an easy task. But I have an excuse; I've been battling my summer bronchitis (my legacy from the inevitable North winds that relocate the dust into my lungs). Dosed up on medication makes it difficult to concentrate. (You can hear me rattle when I walk.)
So I picked up a book to read and, to my dismay, I discovered I have ten books on the go. Three of them are from indie authors. I've been so tired I have forgotten which books I have started (seven of my reading pile).
Just as I was getting frustrated at my lack of motivation, an email popped up in my inbox: an Australian produced anthology (with a theme right up my alley). An idea weedled its way into my brain. How could I resist? The only issue is my constant nemesis: time. I plunged into research, pulling out reference books and DVDs.
The minimum word count is 5000 words. Can I do it in a week? If I could, then it may just kick me out of my timeline unraveling funk; completing something is a real buzz and incites more and more writing!
Photos ©2017 Karen J Carlisle
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